The first Indian to win the World Champion title in Chess
Ans : Viswanathan Anand
Who is known as ‘The Flying Sikh’
Ans : Milka Singh
Who is the first Indian woman to win a medal in the World Athletic meet
Ans : Anju Boby Gerorge
National Sports day is observed on August 29th. It is the birth day of
Ans : Dhyanchand
In cricket, the length of the pitch between the wickets is
Ans : 22 yards (20.12 m)
The place in which the first Asian games were held at
Ans : New Delhi
The first ever National Youth Games (under-19) were held in January 2004 at
Ans : Bangalore
The number of rings in Olympics flag is
Ans : 5
Which country will host the Commonwealth Games in 2010
Ans : India
Who is the first Indian to join the Formula 1 league
Ans : Narain Karthikeyan
First Indian woman civil engineer
Ans : Lalitha from Madras in 1937
Who is known as ‘Light of Asia’
Ans : Buddha
Who is known as ‘Light of World’
Ans : Christ
Who is known as king of Rock & Roll
Ans : Elvis Presley
Who is known as Father of Kissan Movement
Ans : Pro. N.G. Renga
Who was the first Indian to go to jail in performance of his duty as a Journalist
Ans : Surendranath Banerjee
Christiaan Barnard, the surgeon who carried out the first successful transplantation was from the country
Ans : South Africa
The first person to conduct heart transplantation in India was
Ans : Dr. Venugopal
The first Indian pilot
Ans : J.R.D Tata
The first woman graduate of the Calcutta University addressed the AICC session in 1890. Who was she
Ans : Kadambini Ganguly
Who said “there is neither Hindu nor Muslim, only a manâ€Â
Ans : Swami Vivekananda
Who said the words “Show me a hero, I’ll write you a tragedyâ€Â
Ans : Scott Fitzgerald
The state sprawls over the Western Himalayas and the Karakoram Mountains. It is the most northerly and mountainous state of India’. This refers to the state of
Ans : Jammu & Kashmir
That is one small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind†Who said this
Ans : Neil Armstrong
Who said “consumer is the kingâ€Â
Ans : Swami Vivekananda
In which book of Shakespeare we can see the famous words ‘To be or not to be’
Ans : Hamlet
The Vedic saying “War begins in the minds of men†appears in
Ans : Atharva Veda
Who said “I therefore want freedom immediately, this very night, before dawn if it can be hadâ€Â
Ans : Mahatma Gandhi
The light has gone out of our lives and there is darkness every where†. Who said these
Ans : Nehru on Gandhiji’s death
Who defined “democracy as a government of the people, by the people and for the peopleâ€Â
Ans :Abraham Lincoln
Who said “there is neither Hindu nor Muslim, only a manâ€Â
Ans : Swami Vivekananda
Who said the words “Show me a hero, I’ll write you a tragedyâ€Â
Ans : Scott Fitzgerald
The state sprawls over the Western Himalayas and the Karakoram Mountains. It is the most northerly and mountainous state of India’. This refers to the state of
Ans : Jammu & Kashmir
That is one small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind†Who said this
Ans : Neil Armstrong
Who said “consumer is the kingâ€Â
Ans : Swami Vivekananda
In which book of Shakespeare we can see the famous words ‘To be or not to be’
Ans : Hamlet
The Vedic saying “War begins in the minds of men†appears in
Ans : Atharva Veda
Who said “I therefore want freedom immediately, this very night, before dawn if it can be hadâ€Â
Ans : Mahatma Gandhi
The light has gone out of our lives and there is darkness every where†. Who said these
Ans : Nehru on Gandhiji’s death
Who defined “democracy as a government of the people, by the people and for the peopleâ€Â
Ans : Abraham Lincoln
Agra is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Yamuna
Which is the Highest Mountain Range
Ans : Himalayas
Which is the Highest Lake
Ans : Titicaca
Longest Railway Platform
Ans : Kharagpur (West Bengal)
Largest Church
Ans : Basilica of St. Peters in Vatican City
Largest Park
Ans : The Wood Buffalo National Park in Alberta, Canada
The largest Parliament
Ans : China
Largest Zoo
Ans : Kruger National Park, South Africa
The biggest Flower
Ans : Rafflesia
Largest Bird
Ans : Ostrich
Largest Land animal
Ans : Elephant
Largest man-like ape
Ans : Gorilla
Highest Mountain
Ans : Everest
Highest Airport
Ans : Leh
Highest waterfalls
Ans : Angel Falls, Venezuela
Oldest National Flag
Ans : Denmark
Fastest animal
Ans : Cheetah
Tallest animal
Ans : Giraffe
Operating system of a computer manages
Ans : all the operations of a computer
Software that can manipulate or destroy data or programs in a computer is known as
Ans : Virus
Binary Code’ used in computers makes use of which numbers
Ans : 0 & 1
One kilobyte is equal to
Ans : 1024 bytes
Who is the architect of Supercomputer
Ans : Seymour Cray
Which computer company introduced mouse for the first time
Ans : Apple Corporation
Who developed the World Wide Web first
Ans : Timothy Berners Lee
The first large scale, general purpose digital computer
Ans : Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
The shortcut key to print documents is
Ans : Ctrl + P
The function of key F4 in keyboard is
Ans : to repeat the last action
Name the first general purpose electronic computer
Jainism is associated with
Ans : Vardhamana Mahavira
Daoism is associated with
Ans : Laozi
Babism is associated with
Ans : Mirza Ali Muhammad (The Bab)
Confucianism is associated with
Ans : Confucius
Sikhism is associated with
Ans : Guru Nanak
Zoroastrianism is associated with
Ans : Zoroaster
Bhoodan movement is associated with
Ans : Vinoba Bhave
Sarvodaya is associated with
Ans : Jaya Prakash Narayan
Ramakrishna Mission is associated with
Ans : Swami Vivekananda
Arya Samaj is associated with
Ans : Dayanand Swaraswati
Brahma Samaj is associated with
Ans : Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Dev Samaj is associated with
Ans : Siva Narayan Agnihothri
Prarthana Samaj is associated with
Ans : Keasab Chandra Sen
Sudhi Movement is associated with
Ans : Swami Shradhanand
Chinmaya Mission is associated with
Ans : Swami Chinmayananda
Servants of India Society is associated with
Ans : Gopalakrishna Gokhale
Indian Association is associated with
Ans : Surendranath Banerji
Peoples Education Society is associated with
Ans : Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Vana Mahotsava is associated with
Ans : K.M. Munshi
Which is called, City of Golden Temple?
Ans : Amritsar
Which is called, Blue Mountains?
Ans : Nilgiri
Which is called, Hill Queen?
Ans : Simla
Which is called, Land of Five Rivers?
Ans : Punjab
Which is called, Pearl of the Orient?
Ans : Goa
Which is called, God's Own Country?
Ans : Kerala
Which is called, Pink City?
Ans : Jaipur
Which is called, Queen of Arabian Sea?
Ans : Cochin
Which is called, Switzerland of India?
Ans : Kashmir
Which is called, Sorrow of Bengal?
Ans : River Damodar
Which is called, Sorrow of China?
Ans : River Huang He (Yellow River)
Which is called, Sugar Bowl of World?
Ans : Cuba
Which is called, Rooftop of the World?
Ans : Bolivia
Which is called, Land of Midnight Sun?
Ans : Norway
Which is the Largest Continent
Ans : Asia
Which is the Largest Island
Ans : Greenland
Which is the Largest Ocean
Ans : Pacific
Which is the Largest Peninsula
Ans : Arabia
Which is the Largest Freshwater Lake
Ans : Lake Superior
Which is the Largest Archipelago
Ans : Indonesia
Which is the Largest Saltwater Lake
Ans : Caspian Sea
Which is the Largest Desert
Ans : Sahara (Africa)
Which is the Largest Delta
Ans : Sunderbans (Bengal)
Which is the Largest River
Ans : Nile
Which is the Smallest Continent
Ans : Australia
Which is the Highest Plateau
Ans : Pamir (Tibet)
Which is the Highest Mountain Peak
Ans : Everest (Nepal)
Theosophical Society is associated with
Ans : Annie Besant
Which is the first state in India has been formed on purely linguistic basis?
Ans : Andra Pradesh
The famous Thirumala Thirupathi Venkateswara Temple is in which district?
Ans : Chittoor
Which is known as twin cities?
Ans : Hyderabad and Secunderabad
Which state is known as the 'Orchid Paradise of India?
Ans : Arunachal Pradesh
Which place in Assam is said to be the meeting place of Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam?
Ans : Hajo
Lord Mahavira breathed his last at
Ans : Pavapuri
Goa become the 25th state of the Indian union on
Ans : 30th May 1987
The ancestral home of Mahendra Chaudhari, the Indian origin former prime minister of Fiji who was overthrown in a military coup is from
Ans : Haryana
Jammu & Kashmir was acceded to India on
Ans : 26th October 1947
Sea of Tranquility' and 'Ocean of Storms' are in
Ans : Moon
The alliance of non-communist parties against congress in the 1972 elections were known as
Ans : Grand Alliance
Who advocated for the ‘Total Revolution’ during 1974–75
Ans : Jayaprakash Narayan
Which Government introduced the food for work program first
Ans : Janatha Government (1977)
Which program introduced in schools aimed at providing basic amenity to the schools
Ans : Operation Blackboard
The first ‘baby friendly’ state in India is
Ans : Kerala
Who gave the slogan ‘Garibi Hato’
Ans : Indira Gandhi
Name the state with the largest number of registered newspapers
Ans : Uttar Pradesh
National Literacy Mission launched in 1988 aims at attaining a sustainable 75% literacy rate level by
Ans : 2007
The word ‘Satyameva Jayate’ inscribed below the abacus of the state emblem of India was taken from
Ans : Mundaka Upanishad Muharram, Safar, Rabi ul aval, Rabi u
Months in Islamic calendar
Ans : akhir, Rajab, Shaban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhual-Qadah, Dhual-Hijjah
In a vacuum flask, silvering reduces the loss of heat by
Ans : radiation
The period of oscillation of a pendulum depends on
Ans : length of the spring
The boiling point of a liquid ......... if pressure is decreased
Ans : decreases
No sound is heard on the moon because there is ..... on the moon
Ans : no atmosphere
Why do water pipes, in hilly areas, often burst on a cold, frosty night?
Ans : When water in the pipe freezes, it expands. So pipes break
Why do we sweat on a hot day?
Ans : In order to maintain a constant temperature, sweating is necessary
Why do the clothes keep us warm during winter?
Ans : Clothes prevent the heat of the body to escape.
Why do we hear better on water than land?
Ans : Sound travels faster in water than air
Why are the mountains cooler than plains?
Ans : Air on the mountains is less dense so it absorbs less heat.
Why is it easier to swim in sea water than in river?
Ans : Density of sea water is higher
The only paramilitary force which has an exclusive 'Mahila Battalion' is
Ans : CRPF batch – 88
The largest paramilitary force in India
Ans : Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
Who is legally competent to declare war or conclude peace treaty
Ans : The President
Thumba rocket launching station is in which state
Ans : Kerala
Father of civil Aviation in India
Ans : J.R.D. Tata
India’s first electric car
Ans : Rava
What are Coast Guards
Ans : an emergency service that rescues people in difficulties at sea and acts against smuggling
The paramilitary force of India setup to provide security to Industrial undertakings owned by the Government is →
Ans : Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
From where was GSAT-1 launched
Ans : Sriharikota
The first human-made objects to reach altitudes above 80 km is
Ans : V-2s, a rocket
The slogan associated with French Revolution
Ans : Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
In 1815 Napoleon was defeated in the battle of
Ans : Waterloo
Whose period was known as the Golden Age of Rome?
Ans : Augustus Caesar
The king ruled in the period of French revolution
Ans : Louis 16th
The political party of Hitler
Ans : National Socialist Party (Nazi)
Brown shirts were associated with
Ans : Hitler
The political party of Mussolini
Ans : Fascist Party
Black shirts were associated with
Ans : Mussolini
Who organized 'Red Army'
Ans : Trotsky
Pentagon is
Ans : the defence department of USA
The movement of a plant part toward or away from a source of heat is called
Ans : Thermotropism
The movement or growth of an organism or part of an organism in response to a chemical stimulus
Ans : Chemotropism
Plant that will only grow in water or in a very moist environment
Ans : Hydrophytes
Plant that needs moderate amounts of moisture for growth is known as
Ans : Mesophytes
Plant that can survive and grow in direct sunlight or that grows best in direct sunlight is called
Ans : Heliophytes
Plant that is adapted to living through seasonal changes in heat, cold, dryness, or moisture, for example, by shedding leaves during a dry season is called
Ans : Tropophyte
Green plant pigment used in photosynthesis is called
Ans : Chlorophyll
What is responsible for yellow, orange, or red color in flowers and fruits
Ans : Chromoplasts
The pigment found in plants that gives them their green color
Ans : Chlorophyll
Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary is located in which state
Ans : Gujarat
Months in Hebrew calendar
Ans : Shevat, Adar, Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul, Tishri, Heshvan, Kislev, Tevet
Elementary education covers children in the age group
Ans : 6 to 14 years
The National song ‘Vande Mataram’ was composed by
Ans : Bankim Chadra Chatterjee
The National emblem was adopted by the Government of India in the year
Ans : 26th January, 1950
The design of the National Flag was adopted in the year
Ans : 22nd July 1947
The playing time of the full version of the National Anthem is approximately equal to
Ans : 52 sec
The first regular census in India was taken in the year
Ans : 1881
First computer literate Panchayat in India is
Ans : Vellanad (Kerala State)
The longest highway in India runs from
Ans : Varanasi to Kanyakumari, NH – 7, 2369 km
Which Indian town has been selected as the first 'Eco Town' of India
Ans : Panipat
Which element helps in the flowering of plants
Ans : Phosphorous
Bone is used as a fertilizer because it contains
Ans : Phosphorous
Chemistry in ancient times was called
Ans : Alchemy
Which is the lightest gas next to Hydrogen
Ans : Helium
The first metal used by man was
Ans : Copper
AIDS disease was first identified in which country
Ans : America in 1981
The first woman I.P.S Officer of India
Ans : Kiran Bedi
Mandi House' is
Ans : The office of the Director General of Doordarshan
Speed' the improved quality of petrol was introduced by
Ans : B.P. (Bharat Petroleum)
Gobi desert is situated in
Ans : Mangolia/Northeastern China
Kalahari desert is situated in
Ans : Botswana
Java island is in which ocean
Ans : Indian Ocean
Four divided stages of prehistoric periods are
Ans : Paleolithic period, Mesolithic period, Neolithic period and Chalcolithic period
Who proposed the germ theory of disease
Ans : Louis Pasture
First woman Governor
Ans : Sarojini Naidu
First woman Minister
Ans : Vijayalakshmy Pandit
First woman Chief Minister
Ans : Sucheta Kripalani
First woman Ruler in Delhi
Ans : Raziya Begum
First woman Speaker
Ans : Suseela Nayar
Who was the first woman President of the Indian National Congress?
Ans : Annie Besant
The first woman member in the Planning Commission was
Ans : Durgabhai Deshmukh
Name the first woman who became the Prime minister of a democratic country
Ans : Sirimao Bhandaranaike
The first woman to recipient of Bharat Ratna was
Ans : Indira Gandhi
First Indian woman to climb Mount Everest is
Ans : Bachendri Pal
'Knot' is the unit of
Ans : speed of ships
One 'Knot' is equivalent to
Ans : one nautical mile per hour or approximately 1.85 km per hour
Sound waves can travel in vacuum. True or false
Ans : False
A green leaf placed in a dark room is illuminated by red light. The leaf will appear as
Ans : Black
Which law deals with the elasticity
Ans : Hook’s law
What is the colour of the hottest star?
Ans : Blue
Which planet is known as the red planet?
Ans : Mars
When will be the Earth very near to Sun?
Ans : 1st March
When will be the Earth very far away from the Sun?
Ans : 12th December
The period of one revolution of Sun around the centre of galaxy is called?
Ans : Cosmic year
'Knot' is the unit of
Ans : speed of ships
One 'Knot' is equivalent to
Ans : one nautical mile per hour or approximately 1.85 km per hour
Sound waves can travel in vacuum. True or false
Ans : False
A green leaf placed in a dark room is illuminated by red light. The leaf will appear as
Ans : Black
Which law deals with the elasticity
Ans : Hook’s law
What is the colour of the hottest star?
Ans : Blue
Which planet is known as the red planet?
Ans : Mars
When will be the Earth very near to Sun?
Ans : 1st March
When will be the Earth very far away from the Sun?
Ans : 12th December
The period of one revolution of Sun around the centre of galaxy is called?
Ans : Cosmic year
. Father of electricity
Ans : Michael Faraday
Kalinga Prize is awarded by
Ans : Environment
Who was the first Ramon Magsaysay Award winner from India
Ans : Acharya Vinoba Bhave
The first recipient of Gandhi Peace Prize was
Ans : Dr. Julius N. Nyerera
Nehru Award is instituted for
Ans : International understanding and peace
Kalinga Prize, an International prize is awarded annually for the recognition of outstanding achievement in the interpretation and popularization of
Ans : Science
Magnifying glass was invented by
Ans : Roger Bacon
Polio vaccine was invented by
Ans : Jonas Edward Salk
Who discovered the Blood groups
Ans : Karl Landsteiner
Television was invented by
Ans : John L. Baird
Theory of relativity was explained by
Ans : Albert Einstein
Wireless Telegraph was invented by
Ans : Marconi
Incandescent lamp was invented by
Ans : Edison
X-Ray was discovered by
Ans : Wilhelm Roentgen
Chloroform was invented by
Ans : J.Y. Simpson
Who invented the practical Locomotive
Ans : Richard Trevithick
zone day is observed on
Ans : 16th September
World health day is on
Ans : 7th April
Navy day is celebrated on
Ans : 4th December
World Solar Energy Day
Ans : 3rd May
Commonwealth Day
Ans : Second Monday in March
World Employment Day
Ans : June 5
World Architectural Day
Ans : July 1
National Maritime Day
Ans : 5th April
Anti Terrorist Day
Ans : 21st May
World Anti-smoke Day
Ans : 31st May
Zone day is observed on
Ans : 16th September
World health day is on
Ans : 7th April
Navy day is celebrated on
Ans : 4th December
Ahmedabad is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Sabarmati
Allahabad is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna
Ayodhya is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Sarayu
Badarinath is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Ganga
Kolkatha is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Hooghly
Cuttack is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Mahanadi
Delhi is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Yamuna
Guwahati is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Brahmaputra
Haridwar is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Ganga
Luckow is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Gomati
Kanpur is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Ganga
Jabalpur is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Narmada
Kota is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Chambal
Ludhiana is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Sutlej
Srinagar is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Jhelum
Surat is situated on the banks of the river
Ans : Tapti
Vijayawada is situated on the banks of the river
This Blog is related to blogger's academic life specially related with his research field (Computational Sanskrit & Kashmir Shavism). It explores Computaional aspects of Sanskrit and also the theology, philosophy and tradition from the viewpoint of various schools, texts, and teachers of Kashmir Shaiva Philosophy.It contains the comparative cosmological views of Sankhya & KS. This blog also reflects the blogger's personal experience with other field of his academic life.
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