This Blog is related to blogger's academic life specially related with his research field (Computational Sanskrit & Kashmir Shavism). It explores Computaional aspects of Sanskrit and also the theology, philosophy and tradition from the viewpoint of various schools, texts, and teachers of Kashmir Shaiva Philosophy.It contains the comparative cosmological views of Sankhya & KS. This blog also reflects the blogger's personal experience with
other field of his academic life. Creative Commons License All original writings (articles etc.) on this site are copyrighted and licensed (does not apply to translations) by BIPIN JHA under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 India License. Based on a work at bipinkumarjha.blogspot.com. Kindly CONTACT for permission if you wish to extract writings from this site. Feel free to link to individual posts. VISIT BIPIN KUMAR JHA's HOME PAGE

Monday, 20 September 2010

Jahnavi Sanskrit E-Journal's (ISSN 0976 – 8645) 4th issue

Dear Sir/Madam,
Sarasvat-Niketanam is going to publish Jahnavi Sanskrit E-Journal’s (ISSN 0976 – 8645) 4th issue. All kinds of articles, purely academic, scholarly, entertaining, light, those related to our day to day life, jokes, new compositions etc. either in Sanskrit or related to Sanskrit (and written in Hindi or English) are welcome for publication. Please visit for detail http://jahnavisanskritejournal.com/ifa.html
About Sarasvat-Niketanam-
Passing through the transition time phase our India needs that the vacuum between our traditional root value, heritage and modern young generation must be covered. Sarsvat-Niketanam (Home of Sanskrit and Sanskriti lovers) is oriented to connect our new generation with this divine language (Sanskrit) which is the base of our root, identity & originality. To change public negative mindset towards of Sanskrit and to provide platform to creative thought and analysis related with Sanskrit on Internet are our main priorities. For successful journey this mission expects a support of Sanskrit and Sanskriti lovers like you.
Jahnavi Sanskrit E- Journal-
We, the children of great Indian culture, having dream to gap the bridge between modern young generation and root of great India, connect the world with Divine language Sanskrit and to get our own Indian identity and originality, to provide platform for creativity related to Sanskrit, have started Jahnavi Sanskrit E-Journal as Sarasvat-Niketana’s new
portal. Visit please jahnavisanskritejournal.com