This Blog is related to blogger's academic life specially related with his research field (Computational Sanskrit & Kashmir Shavism). It explores Computaional aspects of Sanskrit and also the theology, philosophy and tradition from the viewpoint of various schools, texts, and teachers of Kashmir Shaiva Philosophy.It contains the comparative cosmological views of Sankhya & KS. This blog also reflects the blogger's personal experience with other field of his academic life.
All original writings (articles etc.) on this site are copyrighted and licensed (does not apply to translations) by BIPIN JHA under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 India License. Based on a work at bipinkumarjha.blogspot.com. Kindly CONTACT for permission if you wish to extract writings from this site. Feel free to link to individual posts. VISIT BIPIN KUMAR JHA's HOME PAGE
Oriental Studies
- Berlin State Library
- Centre for Iranian Studies, Columbia University, NY
- Centre for Tantric Studies, Hamburg
- Columbia University, NY
- Cornell University, NY
- Freie Universitat Berlin
- Heidelberg University
- IIAS, The Netherlands
- Indian & Tibetian Studies, Kern Institute, Leiden
- Indian Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington
- Indian Studies, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY
- Institute of Iranian Studies, Hamburg University
- Kyoto University, Japan
- La Trobe University, Australia
- McGill University, Montreal
- Middle Eastern Studies, Leiden University
- Persian at Australian National University
- Persian at University of Delhi
- Persian in Leiden University
- Persian Studies, Harvard University, MA
- Persian Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington
- Persian Studies, Tehran University
- Persian, Johns Hopkins University, MD
- Rutgers University
- Sanskrit Studies, Harvard University, MA
- Sanskrit, Johns Hopkins University, MD
- SOAS, University of London
- South Asian Studies (BASAS), London
- Universita La Sapienza, Roma
- Universitat Bonn
- Universitat Halle-Wittenberg
- Universitat Leipzig
- Universitat Zurich
- Universite de Lausanne
- Universite Lille
- University of British Columbia
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of Cambridge
- University of Chicago
- University of Edinburgh
- University of Groningen
- University of Hamburg
- University of Hawaii
- University of Helsinki
- University of Marburg
- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
- University of Oxford
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Sydney
- University of Texas at Austin
- University of Toronto
- University of Virginia
- University of Washington, Seattle
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"
- Woolner Library, Lahore
- Yale University
- Archaeological Survey of India
- Asiatic Society of Mumbai
- BORI, Pune
- Deccan College, Pune
- French Institute of Pondicherry.
- IGNCA, New Delhi
- Indian Council of Historical Research
- Indian Council of Philosophical Research
- Kashmiri lanuage & Literature, University of Kashmir, Srinagar
- Melkote Sanskrit Academy
- National Archives of India
- National Mission for Manuscripts
- National Museum of India
- Oriental Institute, Baroda
- Oriental Institute, Kerala
- Oriental Institute, Mysore
- Osmania University
- Persian at Aligarh Muslim University
- Persian at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi
- Persian at University of Kashmir, Srinagar
- Rajasthan Oriental Research Institute
- Sanskrit at University of Kashmir, Srinagar
- Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi.
- The Asiatic Society of Bengal
- The National Library, Kolkotta
- Tirupathi Sanskrit Vidyapitha
- University of Jammu, Jammu
- University of Pune, Pune
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